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Submission on Inclusive Education & COVID supports 2020: 23 Recommendations

24 Jul 2020 4:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

We are very pleased to have been invited to submit our community's views to Tim Richardson MP as part of his review of inclusion in education, as well as suitable COVID supports required for our ASD students. 

We have 8 Recommendations for COVID education supports and 15 Recommendation about inclusive education compiled from our community feedback on social media surveys, emails and verbal feedback. Thank you to everyone who contributed their views and supported our submission. 

We hope you are pleased with this and please send us your feedback if you have more to add. This is only the start of this process of education advocacy for our Aspergers students' future. We could have kept adding more and more but our volunteer time is limited by other demands for advocacy and inclusion.

Here is the link to our document:  AV DET Inclusive Education submission July 2020 FINAL 1.pdf

ABN 47 066 180 983

Mailing address: 552 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051

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